Where can you see Santa this December in and around Bury St Edmunds?

It’s that time of year again when Santa joins the Bury St Edmunds Round table in a tour of the local area. As the national lockdown restrictions ease, the Roundtable has annouced that they will be running their sleigh through the streets of Bury St Edmunds and some surrounding villages.

There will of course be changes this year due to COVID-19. Santa’s elves will not be knocking on doors to collect money for charities. Instead there will be a collection via an online donations page. To avoid gatherings of people, the sleigh will also not be stopping, or visiting pubs — with the Roundtable encouraging residents to keep an eye on their online tracker and wave at Santa safely of your doorstep.

There will, however, be extra nights this year, including new runs in Red Lodge and Marham Park / The Fornhams, additional nights for the Moreton Hall and Howard/Mildenhall estates, and the addition of Stanningfield and Lawshall to one night.

A Roundtable spokes person said “We thank all our kind sponsors, listed below. Thank you for your donation – we hope we bring you cheer in this difficult year.”


Date Route Sponsor Good Cause
Monday 7th Moreton Hall Estate 1 (of 2) 5 Angel Hill Roundtable Community Funds
Tuesday 8th Horringer Court / Priors / Westley Estates Century Logistics Roundtable Community Funds
Wednesday 9th Howard Estate Treatt Upbeat Heart Support
Thursday 10th Mildenhall Estate Sealey St Nicholas Hospice
Friday 11th Thurston British Sugar Roundtable Community Funds
Monday 14th Moreton Hall Estate 2 Ashtons Legal Rotaract
Tuesday 15th NEW: Marham Park & Fornhams Countryside Properties TBA
Wednesday 16th NEW: Red Lodge Sicon Gatehouse
Thursday 17th Stanningfield / Lawshall / Nowton Est. / Town / Victoria Road Area Rudlings Wakelam TBA

All the money donated by each night’s sponsor will go to their chosen good cause as above, along with 50% of the money raised online during the day of that run. The other 50% donated online will go to Round Table Community Funds. Donations made on days when there are no runs will be shared equally amongst all the days. Round Table Community Funds are distributed throughout the year to local good causes on request.

Detailed route maps will be published on the http://bsesanta.org/ website and on the Roundtable social media pages.