Suffolk Police launch ‘Fatal Four’ Roads Policing Campaign

Suffolk Constabulary have begun a month-long campaign this week (Monday 1 July) led by the Roads and Armed Policing Team, looking to target the fatal four offences throughout the county.

This campaign will target those drivers who commit offences of:

  1. Excess speed
  2. Using a mobile phone
  3. Failing to wear a seatbelt
  4. Drink and drug driving.

During the month of July, people killed and seriously injured on the roads increase by over 20 per cent (20.23%), based on the average across the year in data collated from 2018-2022.

This happens for various reasons including people making longer journeys and travelling outside of their local area during the holiday season. People tend to make more journeys due to the nicer weather, including vulnerable road users such as cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians. New hobbies are also often explored during the summer months such as running, walking and cycling.

Officers will be out on patrol, taking the opportunity to speak to road users and explain the risks attached to their behaviours. Our priority is keeping Suffolk’s roads safe. We will be working to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured and protect other road users from the harm caused by those who choose to commit these incredibly dangerous offences.

With so many fixtures and opportunities for a night out during the Euros for the first half of this month, Suffolk Police will have a particular focus on driving under the influence during the tournament.

Those heading home after a match or driving to work the next morning are being reminded there is no safe drink or drug drive limit.

The Roads and Armed Policing Team will be on hand at fan zones and popular venues, throughout the tournament, to ensure that those travelling home are doing so safely.

Chief Inspector Vicky McParland, Head of the Joint Norfolk & Suffolk Roads & Armed Police Team, said: “While this campaign provides us with the opportunity to focus on all of the ‘Fatal Four’ main causes of collisions which result in death or serious injury, we are placing a specific focus on drink/drug driving as the Euros tournament unfolds.

“We are aware that lots of people will be out watching matches and celebrating, but this should never involve drink or drug driving. Your actions can have devastating consequences, not only for you but also those travelling around you. Do not be selfish and do not put yourself at risk.

“It is just as important to be aware of the risks around the other ‘Fatal Four’ offences, as speeding, using a mobile phone and not wearing a seatbelt, can all result in equally devastating consequences.

“We would encourage those who believe drink/drug driving to be taking place, to report it immediately, by calling 999.”

Tim Passmore, Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “Sadly, too many people are losing their lives on Suffolk’s roads. Records show road users are particularly at risk at this time of the year, so I fully support this campaign to raise awareness of the ‘fatal four’.

“I hope this increased focus will help drive home what really should be so very obvious.

“Do not use your phone, wear your seat belt, stick to the speed limit and never drive after drinking or using drugs – it’s not difficult and it really will make the roads safer for us all.”