Bury Bowl has unveiled a mural to NHS and Keyworkers
The bowling alley, in Eastgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, wanted to show NHS staff and Keyworkers how much they appreciate all their hard work during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The mural, which features a heath working in PPE bowling a strike with key workers in the background including a Police officer, a supermarket worker and a postal worker, was painted by Sharon and Joseph Kulesa.
However, it will still be a while before the public will be able to see the new mural. Bowling alleys are on the list of businesses which must remain shut until restrictions are eased further.
Speaking on Facebook manager Claire Gouge said that the business is ready for “opening at 2m to keep everyone safe. Which means running at 50%. We have literally thought about everything”. “We were going to clean everything… And have gloves to hand“.