West Suffolk Council has welcomed the news that Civil Parking Enforcement powers will be transferred to authorities across Suffolk to improve safety, reduce congestion and help the economy as well as the environment.
The Council, together with partner authorities and the Police, have applied for the powers which are likely to be in place from 6 April.
Cllr John Griffiths, Leader of West Suffolk Council, said: âWe, together with other councils and our MPs, have been lobbying Government for some time for these powers to help tackle illegal and bad parking issues to hopefully improve safety for our residents, help our local businesses and the economy as well as making sure emergency vehicles can get through. This announcement by the Department for Transport is very welcome and we thank them for listening to us. Many of our residents, communities and businesses in West Suffolk have also been asking for this to happen as they are tired of a small minority of motorists parking dangerously and clogging up our roads when most drivers abide by the rules. Councils and the Police across Suffolk are working together on this initiative which means we can use local knowledge and information from residents to tackle areas in West Suffolk that are an issue while freeing up Police time for other priorities.â