Suffolk County Council – Covid-19 Daily Briefing – 6th May 2020

Current UK Risk Level : HIGH

The risk to the UK has been raised to high (as of 13/03/2020).

As of 13 Mar, UK is in the ‘delay’ phase of the government’s action plan to limit the spread of the virus.


Current UK Situation

  • As of 9am on 5 May, 1,015,138 people have been tested, of whom 194,990 tested positive. As of 5pm on 4 May, of those tested positive for coronavirus in the UK, 29,427 have died (in all settings not just in hospitals).  In Suffolk there are 1,139 confirmed cases. You can view the latest UK dashboard and cases by local authority here
  • Government’s Daily Press Conference: 5 May – transcript available here.
    • It’s now clear that the second phase will be different. We will need to adjust to a new normal where we as a society adapt to safe new ways to work, to travel, to interact and to go about our daily lives. We want to make sure that the next phase is more comfortable, is more sustainable and prevents lasting damage to jobs and livelihoods.
    • We know that cyber criminals, and other malicious groups are targeting individuals, businesses, and other organisations by deploying COVID-19 related scams and phishing emails. As well as providing practical advice, the UK will continue to counter those who conduct cyber-attacks. And we’re working very closely with our international partners both to respond to the threats, but also to deter the gangs and the arms of state who lie behind them.
    • Press conference slides with the latest data from COBR coronavirus fact file (transport use, new cases, hospital admissions, deaths) and datasets available here.
    • View past press conferences on YouTube
  • Letter to councils on the re-opening of household waste and recycling centres – councils are urged to re-open household waste and recycling centres.
  • Eligibility for government childcare offers protected – Temporary measures ensure critical workers will still be eligible for childcare offers if their income has changed due to coronavirus.
  • BBC: The UK has now suffered the most coronavirus deaths in Europe, but can you make a fair comparison between countries? There are differences in terms of population, data gathering and more.
  • BBC: Mass testing earlier ‘would have been beneficial’ – UK’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, told MPs on Tuesday.
  • BBC: Coronavirus: Can you work while furloughed? And other questions
  • BBC: we are living through an unrivalled drop in carbon output due to the economic slowdown, but it’s what happens next that occupies many minds.




VE Day: Friday marks 75 years since VE (Victory in Europe) Day when the Second World War came to an end in Europe. It was anticipated street parties would be held across the weekend, but this will not be possible due to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. The Suffolk Resilience Forum, comprised of the county’s NHS, emergency services and public sector organisations, is stressing the need for the public to continue abiding by the current restrictions, which include social-distancing, throughout the bank holiday weekend. However, there are many other ways to mark the occasion, with a range of resources freely available on These include bunting and posters to decorate your house and place in your windows, and recipes to follow for an authentic experience.


GP Practices open this bank holiday: All GP practices in east and west Suffolk will be open as normal on Friday’s bank holiday (May 8) – in support of the national campaign to encourage people to get the medical help they need. Anyone wishing to contact their GP practice should do so by telephone or online. Most community pharmacies will also be open on the bank holiday between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. for prescriptions and health advice. For more information click here

Childhood bereavement advice: The childhood bereavement network have published advice on staying connected when someone is seriously ill and how to support bereaved children during the Covid-19 outbreak. Click here for more information.

CAS Webinar: Community Action Suffolk are holding their next webinar on Tuesday 12 May 2020. The webinar is entitled; Through Furlough and Beyond – an Employer’s Guide. Lucy Pakes from Ashtons HR consulting will explore some of the key HR questions employers may have several weeks into the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information or to sign up click here.

Charity Fraud: Suffolk Trading Standards have become aware that some fraudsters are taking advantage of the increase in charity donations made during the coronavirus outbreak. They can set up fake charities or impersonate well-known charity names. The risk of fraud should not put you off giving to charities. They do really important work, helping those in the greatest need. However, everyone should be vigilant and make sure you are giving safely to legitimate organisations. Click here for information on how to ensure you are giving to a legitimate charity.


Useful Websites (any new guidance is in RED)


The existing guidance is being updated extremely regularly so please check any guidance relevant to your area to ensure that you are accessing the most up to date version. We are not including in this table all the published material but some of the key guidance that would be relevant to Suffolk County Council and our partners



Who For



Case studies: remote education practice for schools during coronavirus (COVID-19)

educational establishments

Examples of practice for remote education from schools and academies across England.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): verification of death in times of emergency

medical and non-medical professionals in non-hospital settings

Clarifying existing practice for verifying deaths outside of hospitals and providing a framework for safe verification of death during the coronavirus emergency.


5G and coronavirus (COVID-19)


There is no evidence of a link between 5G and coronavirus (COVID-19).


Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice to local authorities on prioritising waste collections

local authorities and other waste collectors

Added “Managing Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCs) in England during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic”.


COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable

All adults and children who should be shielded and their family, friends, and carers

Added translated guidance, including in Polish, Punjabi, Urdu.


Awarding qualifications in summer 2020

schools, students and parents

Update on summer 2020 GCSEs, AS and A level grades for students in year 10 and below and for private candidates added.

Guidance for teachers, students, parents and carers document updated to reflect the policy update on year 10 and private candidates.


NHS – COVID-19 go-to page

General Public – this is the only site we should be promoting to the public for information



GOV.UK – COVID-19 homepage

Main cover webpage for all government guidance for public & professionals alike



Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance

Main collection of guidance for anyone in any setting
– Guidance for the public
(incl. social distancing and shielding)
– Guidance for non-clinical settings
(incl. cleaning, educational settings, employees, employers, businesses, residential care, supported living and home care)
– Guidance for health professionals
– Infection prevention and control
(incl. PPE)
– Sampling and diagnostics



Staying at home and away from others (social distancing)




Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do




Coronavirus: How to help safely




Coronavirus (COVID-19): Accessing food and essential supplies




Mental health support and advice from:

General public, staff and carers



Chronic disease self- care during COVID-19:

General public



Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for children’s social care services

local authorities and their partners



Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult social care guidance

social care



Support for the bereaved

bereaved families, friends or next of kin



European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) COVID-19 homepage




COVID-19 Hospital Cases Tracker – Quick View for Suffolk





Local Resources:

Below are any local resources that would be relevant to Suffolk County Council and our partners.  




Who For



New Anglia: Employment Opportunities in Key Sectors in Norfolk and Suffolk  

Individuals and Businesses wanting to know what employment opportunities are available in some of our key sectors

The New Anglia LEP – alongside other partners including local authorities – have pulled together lists and links to key employment roles needed now as part of the response to the current crisis.


Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership


The website aims to help everyone understand the signs of neglect or abuse and what to do if they are worried about a child or an adult.



Businesses needing support


A one stop shop source of information for government support and guidance available to  businesses including 121 business advice sources of business grants and loans.


Healthy Suffolk: COVID-19 Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Information Hub


This page contains links to a wealth of resources and support for your health and wellbeing.


Suffolk County Council: Coronavirus information


Suffolk County Council coronavirus (COVID-19) information, including health advice, service changes, business support and schools guidance.


Keep Moving Suffolk


The website contains free resources, ideas, tips, useful links and positive stories to encourage people to stay active during these unprecedented times.  The website and our social channels will be constantly updated.



Global: WHO Situation Report – reports available here

  • WHO RISK ASSESSMENT (Global Level) – Very High
  • WHO Covid-19 Dashboard for professionals using near real time data.
  • GOARN COVID-19 Knowledge hub – central repository of quality public health information, guidance, tools and webinars which can be accessed freely at any point.


Situation in Numbers WHO SitRep 106, 5 May (new since last 24hrs)





3 517 345 cases (81 454)

243 401 deaths (3797)


32 570 cases(2036

1112 deaths(27)


1 477 447 cases(43691)

79 590 deaths(1763)

Eastern Mediterranean

213 376 cases(7077)

8115 deaths (144)


1 566 684 cases(22539)

145 602 deaths (1615)

South-East Asia

72 688 cases(5015)

2682 deaths (219)

Western Pacific

53 868 cases(1096)

6287 deaths (29)