Suffolk County Council -COVID-19 Daily bulletin – 26th May

Current UK Risk Level : HIGH

The risk to the UK remains high (as of 13/03/2020).

As of week commencing 11/05/2020, we’re moving into Phase two (Smarter controls) of the Government’s recovery strategy. As per PM’s 11 May message, the country is in the process of moving from Level 4 to Level 3 by the new COVID Alert System and taking the first step in relaxing lockdown measures – According to the PM’s statement “Thanks to the hard work and sacrifices of the British people in this lockdown, we have helped to bring the R level down and we are now in a position to begin moving to Level 3, in steps”.


Please note the Government’s messaging is now  â€˜stay alert, control the virus, save lives’ (previously ‘stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives’)



Current UK Situation

  • As of 9am on 25 May, 261,184 people have tested positive. As of 5pm on 24 May, of those tested positive for coronavirus in the UK, 36,914 have died. You can view the latest UK dashboard and cases by local authority here. Confirmed cases in Suffolk are broken down by Districts & Boroughs as follows:




250.9 per 100,000 resident

East Suffolk


237.3 per 100,000 resident

Mid Suffolk


163.9 per 100,000 resident



158.6 per 100,000 resident

West Suffolk


121.3 per 100,000 resident



193.0 per 100,000 resident

  • PM press conference statement: 25 May 2020 – transcript here

o   Thanks to this country’s collective efforts, the key indicators are heading in the right direction. The daily number of deaths is down, the number of new cases is down, our survey evidence suggests the infection rate is falling, and the R has not risen above one.

o   We will set out our formal assessment of the 5 tests that we set for adjusting the lockdown later this week, as part of the 3 weekly-review we are legally required to undertake by Thursday. But because of the progress we are making, I can, with confidence, put the British people on notice of the changes we intend to introduce as we move into step 2.

    • It is our intention is to begin reopening nurseries and particular years in primary schools, reception, year 1, year 6, from 1 June, followed by some contact for those secondary school pupils with exams next year from 15 June. Some contact for years 10 and 12 from 15 June with their teachers.
    • It is our intention to allow outdoor markets to reopen from June 1 as well as car showrooms.
    • From 15 June, we intend to allow all other non-essential retail, ranging from department stores to small, independent shops, to reopen.
    • Today we are publishing new guidance for the retail sector detailing the measures they should take to meet the necessary social distancing and hygiene standards.

o   Archive of slides, datasets and transcripts to accompany coronavirus press conferences available here.

·       Prime Minister sets out timeline for retail to reopen in June – Thousands of high street shops, department stores and shopping centres across England are set to reopen next month once they are COVID-19 secure and can show customers will be kept safe. As per the roadmap, hairdressers, nail bars and beauty salons, and the hospitality sector, remain closed, because the risk of transmission in these environments is higher where long periods of person to person contact is required.

·       BBC: Global picture

o   The World Health Organization has suspended trials of anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a possible Covid-19 treatment amid safety fears.

    • In the US, many people headed for beaches this weekend to celebrate Memorial Day, often flouting virus restrictions.
    • In Europe, Ireland reported no new virus deaths on Monday for the first time since mid-March, and Spain has said it will no longer quarantine foreign visitors after 1 July.
    • Several airlines including EasyJet, Jet2 and Ryanair have announced that they plan to resume some flights from airports across Europe soon.
    • In Italy, doctors and nurses say the devastating mental toll of what they’ve dealt with is only now becoming clear.
    • Japan has lifted its state of emergency, but warned it could be reimposed if infections pick up again.
    • India has seen its biggest daily increase in confirmed cases, just as the government reopened domestic air travel.
    • Argentina is extending the mandatory lockdown in Buenos Aires after a steady increase in infections.





Coronavirus cases within care home settings: SCC will be reporting weekly on the number of suspected or confirmed cases within Suffolk care home settings, that Suffolk County Council has been made aware of.  Below is a table showing the number of providers affected and the number of suspected and confirmed cases since reporting began on 21/04/2020. These figures are cumulative and are listed on area basis and will not include the details of any specific care homes. These figures include care homes, extra care housing and supported housing. As a notifiable disease, care homes are required to report any potential or confirmed cases of Coronavirus to Public Health England (PHE) in order that this can be captured as part of the national reporting processes and also for PHE to provide advice and guidance on infection control. Care providers are under no obligation to report suspected or confirmed cases to the county council.










Providers affected

Suspected and confirmed Cases

Providers affected

Suspected and confirmed Cases

Providers affected

Suspected and confirmed Cases

Providers affected

Suspected and confirmed cases

Providers affected

Suspected and confirmed cases

Providers affected

Suspected and confirmed cases

Ipswich and East Suffolk













West Suffolk






















































Safer Spaces: To ensure appropriate safety measures can be put in place for communities across Suffolk, the county council is working closely with its local authority partners, town councils and the business community to develop guidance and advice on how safe, social distancing measures can be maintained as shops and businesses begin to re-open and current lockdown restrictions are relaxed over time. This will include empowering local councils and the business community to make small-scale temporary changes to enable safe, social distancing, without the need to seek consent from Suffolk County Council. For further information click here


Suffolk Virtual Care Response: Suffolk County Council, in partnership with RETHINK Partners and Alcove, has launched a new and innovative response to the COVID-19 crisis, by providing virtual care and support to vulnerable or shielded people. The service is provided through the rapid roll-out of the Alcove Video Carephone, a simple communication device that allows people with little or no technological ability to have two-way video contact with care workers, family members and other approved service providers. This will help with tasks that don’t require face-to-face visits and therefore limit their exposure to infection. For example, carers can check visually if medications are being taken, set prompts and reminders or carry out welfare and wellbeing checks. For more information click here


Thank you to Suffolk business groups: Nick Gowrley Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Housing and Enterprise has said thank you to business groups in Suffolk for response to coronavirus. Read here


Updated advice for the property industry: Updated advice has been published for Estate Agents; Developers and new build sales; Tradespeople; Conveyancers; New Build Home Warranty Assessments and claims against the warranty; Surveyors and EPC Assessors; Removals Firms; Letting Agents and Private Landlords and Social landlords, on home moving during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Click here for more information.


Free business webinar (retail): The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will be hosting a free webinar this Thursday for those in the retail sector. The webinar will cover how to make your workplace COVID-secure: For more information click here. Other free webinars can be found here.


Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Economic Survey: The Suffolk Chamber of Commerce have launched their Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) for the second quarter. The results, alongside their ongoing weekly COVID-19 impact surveys will provide key insights which they will use to win further concessions from the Government in supporting all businesses in the county. This QES closes on 8 June. For more information click here


Useful Websites (any new guidance is in RED)

The existing guidance is being updated extremely regularly so please check any guidance relevant to your area to ensure that you are accessing the most up to date version. We are not including in this table all the published material but some of the key guidance that would be relevant to Suffolk County Council and our partners




Who For



Stay alert and safe: social distancing guidance for young people

young people

This guidance is about social distancing and what you can do to stay alert and safe during this time, and explains the new measures that will help you to stay safe as rules on being outside, or at school or work, change.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): providing home care

for those providing personal care to people living in their own home

The document brings together guidance for social care staff, registered providers, local authorities and commissioners who support and deliver care to people in their own homes in England. It covers:
– personal protective equipment
– shielding and care groups
– hospital discharge and testing
– government support for social care
– information collection and governance


Reopening High Streets Safely Fund guidance

local authorities and partners

The Reopening High Streets Safely Fund is providing £50 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to councils across England to support the safe reopening of high streets and other commercial areas. This guidance provides details of the activities that can be supported through the Fund and an overview of how it will be administered, as well as key ERDF contractual requirements.


Department for Education explanatory note on SAGE modelling


An explanatory note for SAGE’s paper assessing the potential impact of more children returning to school on the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).


Claim back Statutory Sick Pay paid to your employees due to coronavirus (COVID-19)


How to use the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme to claim back employees’ coronavirus-related Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).


The R number in the UK


Latest R number range for the UK 0.7-1.0
Last updated on Friday 22 May 2020.


Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)

employers, employees and the self-employed

Shops and branches – Updated to reflect industry feedback and to expand coverage of non-essential retail categories ahead of planned opening.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for schools and other educational settings

staff, parents and carers, pupils and students.

Added ‘Guidance for secondary school provision from 15 June 2020’.

Added ‘Preparing for the wider opening of early years and childcare settings from 1 June’.

Updated to include new information on the recommended approaches that local authorities, educational settings and parents should follow for the return of children and young people with EHC plans, or those with complex needs but who do not have an EHC plan, to educational settings from 1 June 2020.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on the phased return of sport and recreation

the public, providers of outdoor sport facilities, elite athletes, personal trainers and coaches

Added Elite sport return to training guidance: Step Two.


Financial support for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to respond to coronavirus (COVID-19)


updates to available funding


Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support grant funding – guidance for local authorities

local authorities

Version 2 of Local Authority Discretionary Fund guidance published – businesses who are eligible for the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) are now eligible to apply for the scheme.


Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE): Coronavirus (COVID-19) response


Updated the list of evidence provided to SAGE with a batch of reports on children and schools.


Reallocating road space in response to COVID-19: statutory guidance for local authorities

local authorities

Details of amended legislation to speed up making Traffic Orders.


Coronavirus – guidance on accessing green spaces safely


Updated with: visit gardens and land maintained for public use as an alternative open space to spend time outdoors, although buildings and amenities such as cafes will remain closed and access may be limited to members or those with tickets to ensure social distancing. You should check ahead and follow social distancing guidelines


Coronavirus (COVID-19) essential international travel guidance


Added information on new rules on entering or returning to the UK that will start on 8 June


Staying safe outside your home


Updated face coverings section to include statement: ‘You should be prepared to remove your face covering if asked to do so by police officers and staff for the purposes of identification.’


NHS – COVID-19 go-to page

General Public



GOV.UK – COVID-19 homepage

Main cover webpage for all government guidance for public & professionals alike



Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance

Main collection of guidance for anyone in any setting

Guidance includes:
– Guidance for the public (incl. social distancing and shielding)
– Guidance for non-clinical settings (incl. cleaning, educational settings, employees, employers, businesses, residential care, supported living and home care)
– Guidance for health professionals
– Infection prevention and control (incl. PPE)
– Sampling and diagnostics


Mental health support and advice from:

General public, staff and carers



Chronic disease self- care during COVID-19:

General public



European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) COVID-19 homepage





Local Resources:

Below are any local resources that would be relevant to Suffolk County Council and our partners.  




Who For



Suffolk Domestic Abuse 24/7 Helpline – Freephone 0800 977 5690


The freephone number is live from 9am on Friday 22nd May 2020 for anyone with concerns including professionals who may be supporting clients as well as friends and family members who are concerned for loved ones.


New Anglia: Employment Opportunities in Key Sectors in Norfolk and Suffolk  

Individuals and Businesses wanting to know what employment opportunities are available in some of our key sectors

The New Anglia LEP – alongside other partners including local authorities – have pulled together lists and links to key employment roles needed now as part of the response to the current crisis.


Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership


The website aims to help everyone understand the signs of neglect or abuse and what to do if they are worried about a child or an adult.



Businesses needing support


A one stop shop source of information for government support and guidance available to  businesses including 121 business advice sources of business grants and loans.


Healthy Suffolk: COVID-19 Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Information Hub


This page contains links to a wealth of resources and support for your health and wellbeing.


Suffolk County Council: Coronavirus information


Suffolk County Council coronavirus (COVID-19) information, including health advice, service changes, business support and schools guidance.


Keep Moving Suffolk


The website contains free resources, ideas, tips, useful links and positive stories to encourage people to stay active during these unprecedented times.  The website and our social channels will be constantly updated.



Global: WHO Situation Report – reports available here

  • WHO RISK ASSESSMENT (Global Level) – Very High
  • WHO Covid-19 Dashboard for professionals using near real time data.
  • GOARN COVID-19 Knowledge hub – central repository of quality public health information, guidance, tools and webinars which can be accessed freely at any point.


Situation in Numbers WHO SitRep 126, 25 May