Another part of the My WiSH Charity and Our Bury St Edmunds World War 1 Trail has been unveiled.
Standing at 7ft 6ins tall a giant wooden replica of the Victoria Cross will be placed at the entrance to the abbey gardens
This fantastic piece has been announced as part of our World War 1 Art Trail in association with @MyWishCharity, read the heart-warming story here: #WW1trail #BuryStEdmunds
â Ourburystedmunds (@ourburysteds) May 31, 2018
The Piece was created by Mike Wells at his A J Joinery business, in Cockfield, with the help of one of his employees Jon Andrews. Mike Said that he created the art work for the trail as a thank you to the West Suffolk Hospital for the care and attention he received when he suffered a heart attack two years ago.
The trail will feature 18 pieces, commissioned by local artists and sculptors, dotted in prime town centre sites and will be on show from July 21, through to Armistice Day, on November 11