Community Engagement Group set up to help shape plans for new West Suffolk Hospital build

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (WSFT) is calling on members of the local community, patients, local residents, and charitable and voluntary organisations to step forward to help shape the plans for the future healthcare development.

The Trust was confirmed at the end of last year as one of 40 across the country to receive funding for new build projects under the Government’s Health Infrastructure Plan. Plans are underway to begin shaping the design of the building and services within it, but a new Co-Production Community Engagement Group (CCEG) is being established to help develop and shape the hospital re-development proposals.

Chief executive Stephen Dunn said: “The vision for the project is to ensure the way that health services are delivered is fit for our current and future needs and we need your help to do that. The new facility is for West Suffolk people and is to be designed by West Suffolk people.

“We are looking for community members who have an interest in hospital services which will bring an additional perspective to the redevelopment plans.

“The work will get increasingly detailed as the project progresses over the next couple of years and there will be many aspects where we will benefit from the input from members of the CCEG. The group will be integral to a number of meaningful conversations with families, partners, residents, patients and charitable and voluntary representatives.”

The group will be representative of the communities the Trust serves. If you would like to join the CCEG or to find out more information, please visit our website at and complete an expression of interest form.

You can also email to register our the dedicated newsletter to keep abreast of developments.

More information about the development and plans can be found online at – alternatively, you can write to register your interest in receiving the newsletter via the post: Future System Programme, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2QZ.