Nominations open for Suffolk’s Youth Parliament

Suffolk’s young people encouraged to get involved in politics as nominations open for Suffolk’s Youth Parliament

Nominations are now open for Suffolk’s Youth Parliament and young people in Suffolk have until 7th January to submit their nominations.

The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) is the largest elected body of young people in the UK who influence policy. Made up of elected Members of Youth Parliament (MYPs) and Deputies, they meet locally and nationally to give young people a voice.

There are currently 2 MYPs in Suffolk and up to 15 MYPs and Deputies will be appointed when elections are held in February.

MYPs assist in running Make Your Mark, the UK’s largest youth consultation. The results of the consultation are used to develop services locally and nationally. There are also opportunities to attend British Youth Council conventions and attend the Make Your Mark debate in the House of Commons. Above all, young people are given the opportunity to meet new people, make lasting friends and make a difference.

Results of the recent Make your Mark consultation can be viewed here:

Councillor Gordon Jones, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Skills, said: “I would always encourage young people to get involved in politics and UK Youth Parliament is a great opportunity for young people to be a part of important decisions made both locally and nationally.

“Being a Member of Youth Parliament gives young people a powerful voice to present views, opinions and issues of Suffolk’s residents to local decision makers. Elected MYPs will demonstrate a passion and energy to drive real change for the better.”

Current Member of Suffolk’s Youth Parliament, Meg Day, said: “Youth Parliament has given me so many opportunities and experiences that wouldn’t have been offered to me otherwise. I’ve met likeminded people from up and down the country and made some of the best friendships I’ve ever had. UKYP holds the largest youth consultation in the world and you really do feel like you’re making a positive difference for young people.”

The UK Youth Parliament holds elections for UKYP members to be elected in Suffolk in February to start their term in March.

To apply, you must:

· Be aged 11-18

· Live, work or study in the area you are standing for

· Be able to commit 7 hours a month (or 1-2 hours a week) to Suffolk UKYP

To run for election, young people will need produce a short video or a written manifesto, addressing three areas they are passionate about and would like to change in their local area – one of these must be taken from the top 5 a Make Your Mark results.

Manifestos must be submitted by 7th January 2018. Full details of how to apply can be found here:

For more information about the UK Youth Parliament, visit: