Online book of condolences opened by Chairman of Suffolk county council as he expresses the sadness at the death of His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Suffolk County Council Chairman, Councillor Graham Newman has today expressed great sadness following the announcement of the death of His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

“On behalf of all councillors and staff of Suffolk County Council I should like to say how very sad we all are at the news of the death of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. We send our sincere condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all her family at this time. HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh visited the county a number of times and on each occasion, it was abundantly clear the warmth of feeling the county had for him. These visits included the opening of the Snape Maltings Concert Hall with The Queen in 1967, a visit to Ipswich Waterfront in 2002 as part of The Queen’s Jubilee celebrations and a visit to the port of Felixstowe in 2005”

“The loss of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh will be felt right across the globe for some time to come. I know the people of Suffolk will want to pay their own personal tributes to someone who has been a part of this great country’s fabric for so many years. Therefore, an online book of condolences has been opened on the county council’s website. As a mark of respect for The Duke of Edinburgh, flags on all council buildings are being flown at half mast.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions an online book of condolences is now available at