A school in Bury St Edmunds has now got effective safeguarding procedures in place after it was judged to have serious weaknesses following an ofsted inspection.
County Upper School was told that it needed to improve back in 2019 after the watchdog found that safeguarding was inadequate” and leaders “failed to take all reasonable steps to ensure pupils’ safety”.
Ofsted re-visited the school over two days in June and July and have now issued a report saying that the school “acted decisively” to address the safeguarding issues adding that “Safeguarding is now effective”.
In a letter to the school Paul Wilson Her Majesty’s Inspector at Ofsted said “Having considered the evidence, I am of the opinion that at this time: Leaders and managers are taking effective actions towards the removal of the serious weaknesses designation”.
The report went on to say “Following the additional monitoring inspection of February 2021, leaders and the
Unity Schools Partnership (the trust) have acted decisively to improve the safeguarding procedures and culture in the school. Pupils now say they feel safe. They know who to report concerns to and are confident that staff will act on concerns appropriately. Safeguarding is now effective”.
County Upper joined Unity Schools Partnership in 2020 and this month saw Sally Kennedy take up position as headteacher.
In a letter to parents, Tim Coulson Chief Executive at Unity Schools Partnership said “The inspection letter recognises the very significant progress over the summer term. We are grateful to the local authority and police for the close working with them to ensure effective procedures are in place to keep students safe. We were also pleased to see the recognition of key subject leaders at the school.”
He added, “We are very pleased to read that this report gives the reassurance that, ‘Safeguarding is now effective’ “.
You can read the full report on Ofsteds website https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/23/136990