Suffolk County Council – Covid-19 Briefing – 20th April 2020

Current UK Risk Level: HIGH

The risk to the UK has been raised to high (as of 13/03/2020).

As of 13 Mar, UK is in the ‘delay’ phase of the government’s action plan to limit the spread of the virus.


Current UK Situation

  • As of 9am on 19th April, 372,967 people have been tested of which 120,067 tested positive. As of 5pm on 18 April, of those hospitalised in the UK who tested positive for coronavirus, 16,060 have sadly died. Full details and latest numbers are available here.
  • In Suffolk we have 618 confirmed cases. However, with routine community testing discontinued, these figures will not describe the full extent of cases locally. You can view the latest UK dashboard of cases by local authority here.
  • Government’s daily press conference (19 April 2020) – transcript here
    • Before the government can give a clear date for when schools will re-open, five criteria must be met:
      1. The NHS must be able to cope with critical and specialist treat in hospitals across the UK
      2. The daily death rates from coronavirus must coming down.
      3. There must be reliable data that shows the rate of infection is decreasing to manageable levels.
      4. There must be confidence that testing capacity and PPE are being managed, with supply able to meet not just today’s demand, but future demand.
      5. Confidence that any changes made will not risk a second peak of infections.



Ipswich Testing Centre: As part of its national COVID-19 testing programme, the Government is creating a ‘Drive Thru’ testing facility on the outskirts of Ipswich. At this point, testing is only available to symptomatic NHS staff and public sector key workers, and members of their household. This facility is not for members of the public and those that are able to attend (NHS staff and public sector key workers) must only do so following a referral from their employee. Based on the existing Park and Ride site at Copdock Mill, off the A12 and A14 Junction, the facility will offer those key workers from the eastern region the opportunity to get tested so that they can be supported to report to work as soon as is practicable. This is one of up to 50 sites being created around the country, it is a Government-led programme, supported by the Suffolk Resilience Forum and partners in Essex.


PPE Update: Stock levels in the Suffolk PPE Cell are good and are meeting demand. SCC received 134 requests from residential care homes across Suffolk which have all be fulfilled. Work is also taking place with the Clinical Commissioning Groups to manage PPE for hospices, resources will be shared to cover this need. The new national Clipper delivery system is expected to be online in 4 weeks, this is the service that will support non NHS service areas (residential care, primary care etc). In the meantime work is being done to understand the demand levels and impact upon stock levels. The cell continues to support organisations such as Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, funeral directors, district and boroughs etc and excellent support is being provided from the military in stock management and logistics.


Schools: The government have updated their School guidance with information on support for parents, online resources and vulnerable children. For more information click here


Job Retention Scheme: The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme went live today, with businesses able to claim up to £2,500 a month towards staff wages. For more information click here


Useful Websites (any new guidance is in RED)

The existing guidance is being updated extremely regularly so please check any guidance relevant to your area to ensure that you are accessing the most up to date version. We are not including in this table all the published material but some of the key guidance that would be relevant to Suffolk County Council and our partners.  



Who For



Coronavirus (COVID-19): SEND risk assessment guidance

special schools, specialist colleges, local authorities and any other settings managing CYP with SEND

Risk assessment guidance for settings managing children and young people with an education, health and care (EHC) plan during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): local death management


local authorities in England on Schedule 28 to the Coronavirus Act

Schedule 28 to the Coronavirus Act 2020 introduced new powers for local authorities and government to support the resilience of local death management systems, and step in if they become overwhelmed.


Guidance for consumers on coronavirus (COVID-19) and food



Advice for consumers in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in the UK.


Supporting vulnerable children and young people during the coronavirus outbreak


education settings and local authorities about children supported through social care, with EHC plans or identified as vulnerable by their school or local authority

Clarifications to the existing guidance including the actions to be taken for each group around their attendance or otherwise at an education setting. We have not changed the groups included in the definition of vulnerable children.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): social care guidance

social care

UPDATED-How to work safely in Care Homes


This is a new homepage for all the main guidance for social care, including:
– Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes
– COVID-19: guidance for supported living and home care
– COVID-19: ethical framework for adult social care
– Coronavirus (COVID-19): changes to the Care Act 2014
– Coronavirus (COVID-19): hospital discharge service requirements
– Coronavirus (COVID-19): providing unpaid care

 â€˜How to work safely in care homes’


Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for schools and other educational settings

staff, parents and carers, pupils and students.

Added ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): SEND risk assessment guidance’.


Actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak

What schools need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Updated information on online resources and remote learning, workforce, and vulnerable children.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance

Main collection of guidance for anyone in any setting
– Guidance for the public
(incl. social distancing and shielding)
– Guidance for non-clinical settings
(incl. cleaning, educational settings, employees, employers, businesses, residential care, supported living and home care)
– Guidance for health professionals
– Infection prevention and control
(incl. PPE)
– Sampling and diagnostics

Added COVID-19: guidance for managing a funeral during the coronavirus pandemic.


Added ‘How to work safely in care homes’


NHS – COVID-19 go-to page

General Public – this is the only site we should be promoting to the public for information



GOV.UK – COVID-19 homepage

Main cover webpage for all government guidance for public & professionals alike



Full guidance on staying at home and away from others


The single most important action we can all take, in fighting coronavirus, is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives.


Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do




Coronavirus: How to help safely




Coronavirus (COVID-19) information leaflet

UK households



COVID-19 essential travel guidance




Mental health support and advice from:

General public, staff and carers



Chronic disease self- care during COVID-19:

General public



Children’s Commissioner: Children’s guide to coronavirus


Aimed at children:
– Answer your questions about coronavirus
– Tell you how to stay safe and protect other people
– Help you make the best of your time at home

Information correct as of 27 March 2020


Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for children’s social care services

local authorities and their partners



Coronavirus (COVID-19): transport and travel guidance

everyone using transport or working in the transport sector during the coronavirus outbreak.

Information for people using transport or working in the transport sector during the coronavirus outbreak, including:
-Using public transport
-Driving private vehicles – cars, vans, motorbikes
-Bus and lorry drivers
-Freight, bus and road transport businesses
-Transport workers
-Maritime and shipping
-Aviation and flying
-Overseas travel


Coronavirus (COVID-19): personal protective equipment (PPE) hub

health and social care and other non-health sectors

Collection of guidance on personal protective equipment (PPE), and infection prevention and control (IPC).

We are currently experiencing sustained transmission of COVID-19 across the UK.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): looking after people who lack mental capacity

health and social care

Emergency guidance for health and social care staff who are caring for, or treating, a person who lacks the relevant mental capacity.

During the outbreak, the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and the safeguards provided by the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) still apply.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested

critical workers who are self-isolating



Coronavirus (COVID-19): early years and childcare closures




Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult social care action plan

adult social care (includes people’s own homes, residential care homes and nursing homes, and other community setting)

This document sets out the government’s plan for:
1. controlling the spread of infection in care settings
2. supporting the workforce
3. supporting independence, supporting people at the end of their lives, and responding to individual needs
4. supporting local authorities and the providers of care


COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable

All adults and children who should be shielded and their family, friends, and carers




Local Resources:

Below are any local resources that would be relevant to Suffolk County Council and our partners.  




Who For




Advice and Guidance for Businesses needing support.


A one stop shop source of information for government support and guidance available to  businesses including 121 business advice sources of business grants and loans.





Global: WHO Situation Report – reports available here

  • WHO RISK ASSESSMENT (Global Level) – Very High
  • WHO Covid-19 Dashboard for professionals using near real time data.
  • The number of confirmed cases reported by countries reflects national laboratory testing capacity and strategy, thus the interpretation of the number of cases reported should take this into account.
  • Drinking alcohol does not protect you against COVID-19: existing rules and regulations to protect health and reduce harm caused by alcohol such as restricting access, should be upheld and even reinforced during the outbreak. More on this is available here, and a factsheet on Alcohol and COVID-19 is available here.


Situation in Numbers WHO SitRep 90, 19 April (new since last 24hrs)





2 241 778 confirmed (81 572)      

152 551 deaths (6463)

European Region

1 122 189 confirmed (35 300)

100 938 deaths (3737)

Regions of the Americas

821 860 confirmed (37 589)

38 258 deaths (2516)

Western Pacific Region

131 115 confirmed (1859) 

5621 deaths (23)

Eastern Mediterranean Region

124 691 confirmed (4008)   

5908 deaths (124)

South-East Asia

27 319 confirmed (2028)    

1185 deaths (51)

African Region

13 892 confirmed (788)   

550 deaths (27)