Suffolk County Council – COVID19 daily bulletin – 6th July


Current UK Alert Level: 3

On 19/06/2020 update from the UK Chief Medical Officers on the UK alert level confirmed that the UK COVID-19 alert level has been lowered from risk level 4 to risk level 3. It does not mean that the pandemic is over. The virus is still in general circulation, and localised outbreaks are likely to occur.


Please note the Government’s messaging is ‘stay alert, control the virus, save lives’ (previously ‘stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives’)




Current UK Situation

  • As of 9am 5 July, 285,416 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in the UK (pillar 1 and pillar 2 testing). As of 5pm 4 July, of those tested positive for coronavirus in the UK, 44,220 have died across all settings. You can view the latest UK dashboard and cases by local authority here. Confirmed cases in Suffolk are broken down by Districts & Boroughs as follows – please note that these case numbers and the rates per 100,000 population  cannot  be compared with the case numbers and rates given in previous bulletins. From 2 July, the number of lab-confirmed positive cases now includes those identified by testing in all settings (pillars 1 and 2). Pillar 2 refers to tests in commercial labs working in partnership with the NHS. Previously, only Pillar 1 confirmed cases were included (tests completed in NHS labs). Due to this change many cases previously not attributed to any area are now included in area totals. This is not a recent surge in cases – the cases now being reported occurred from April onwards. As this quality of this data continues to improve, these numbers may continue to fluctuate over time, but overall, case numbers and case rates in Suffolk remain low.




503.2 per 100,000 residents

East Suffolk


347.6 per 100,000 residents

Mid Suffolk


315.1 per 100,000 residents



283.4 per 100,000 residents

West Suffolk


265.0 per 100,000 residents



344.2     per 100,000 residents



COVID-19 related news from GOV.UK

  • Prime Minister’s statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 3 July 2020
    • SAGE assess that the R rate – the average number of people each infected person passes the virus onto – remains between 0.7 and 0.9 across the UK, and the number of new infections is shrinking by between 2 and 5% every day.
    • Of course this picture is not universal. There are areas – such as Leicester – where the virus is still more prevalent than we would like. We always said there would be local outbreaks requiring local action. This is to be expected and will, I’m afraid, be a feature of our lives for some time to come.
    • Instead of locking down the whole country, we will lock down specific premises or local areas where the virus is spreading.
    • We have developed an approach for controlling future local outbreaks which has five principle components: monitoring, engagement, testing, targeted restrictions and finally, as a last resort, lockdown.
  • The R number and growth rate in the UK – As of 3 July, these are the latest R and growth rate estimates by NHS England regions:




Other COVID-19 related news

  • NHS England: NHS to launch online COVID-19 rehab service – Tens of thousands of people who are suffering long-term effects of coronavirus will benefit from an on-demand recovery service. Nurses and physiotherapists will be on hand to reply to patients’ needs either online or over the phone as part of the service.
  • WHO discontinues hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir treatment arms for COVID-19 – On 4 July, WHO accepted the recommendation from the Solidarity Trial’s International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial’s hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir arms. The interim trial results show that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir produce little or no reduction in the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients when compared to standard of care. Solidarity trial investigators will interrupt the trials with immediate effect.
  • BBC:  Coronavirus could cause 35,000 extra UK cancer deaths, experts warn – Delays to diagnosis and treatment due to coronavirus could cause between 7,000 and 35,000 additional cancer deaths in the UK within a year. That’s the scenario suggested by research from eight hospital trusts.
  • BBC: Virus crisis expected to ‘level down’ UK economy – The coronavirus crisis could “level down” the UK economy with London and the South East expected to bounce back more quickly than Hull and Bradford.
  • BBC Global picture
    • Globally there have now been more than 11.4m cases and more than 533,000 people have died
    • Indian scientists say the August vaccine deadline – set by the country’s medical council – is unrealistic. India now has the third-highest caseload in the world according to its health ministry, overtaking Russia
    • New South Wales in Australia is closing its border with neighbouring Victoria to fight a surge there
    • Nearly 240 scientists want the WHO to take the airborne risk more seriously



Rubbish Disposal: Litter can spread the virus and with more of us venturing out and about in Suffolk there may be an increase in rubbish which is being disposed of in public bins. If you are out and the nearest litter bin is full please take your rubbish home with you and dispose of it there.


Suffolk Libraries Re-opening: Suffolk libraries will start to reopen from today (Mon 6 July) with measures in place to ensure visitors are kept safe. The mobile library service will also resume from today. For more information click here



Key National Guidance updates

The existing guidance is being updated extremely regularly so please check any guidance relevant to your area to ensure that you are accessing the most up to date version. We are not including in this table all the published material but some of the key guidance that would be relevant to Suffolk County Council and our partners.




Who For



Local lockdown guidance for social distancing (guidance for Leicester)


How you can see people you do not live with if there’s a local lockdown during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

For people outside the area defined in this guidance for Leicester, ”Meeting people from outside your household” guidance still applies.


Closing certain businesses and venues in Leicester


Provides the list of businesses and premises expected to close in Leicester from 4 July 2020.


COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship during the pandemic from 4 July.

Places of worship

This guidance is designed to enable the safe reopening of places of worship for a broader range of activities from 4 July 2020.


Privacy notice for maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace


This privacy notice describes how the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) will process personal data from venues and establishments to support contact tracing.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): travel corridors


Travel corridors exemption list – from 10 July, you do not have to self-isolate on arrival in England if these are the only places you have been to or stopped in during the previous 14 days.


Note this travel corridors exemption list is NOT the same list as the list of countries exempt from non-essential travel. 


Young carers and young adult carers: providing care during coronavirus

people under the age of 25 who are providing care

This guidance is for anyone under 25 who cares for a family member who cannot cope without their support. This may be because they have a lifelong condition, illness, disability, serious injury, a mental health condition or an addiction.


Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer travel guidance for passengers


Added information about travelling into, out of and within areas under local lockdown. You should only travel into, out of and within areas under local lockdown if your travel is essential.


Travel advice: coronavirus (COVID-19)

British people travelling overseas during the coronavirus

On 4 July,  The Foreign & Commonwealth Office travel advice against non-essential international travel changed, with exemptions for travelling to certain countries and territories that no longer pose a high risk for British travellers. View the list of exempted destinations. 


Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020 notice


Notice to display to show you have made your workplace COVID-secure.


Guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19

People who are clinically extremely vulnerable (shielding)

Guidance updated to reflect the 22 June government announcement of further relaxing shielding guidance which will come into effect on 6 July and 1 August.

From 6 July this includes meeting in a group of up to 6 people outdoors, including people from different households, while maintaining strict social distancing

From 1 Aug, shielding will be paused. This includes that you can go to work, if you cannot work from home, as long as the business is COVID-safe


Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested


Added information on regular care home testing (retesting) in England. Care homes should contact their local Health Protection Team (HPT) if:

– you suspect your care home has a new coronavirus outbreak

– it has been 28 days or longer since your last case and you have new cases

Your HPT will provide advice and arrange the first tests.



Useful Websites




Who For



NHS – COVID-19 go-to page

General Public



GOV.UK – COVID-19 homepage

Main cover webpage for all government guidance for public & professionals alike



Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance

Main collection of guidance for anyone in any setting

Guidance includes:
– Guidance for the public (incl. social distancing and shielding)
– Guidance for non-clinical settings (incl. cleaning, educational settings, employees, employers, businesses, residential care, supported living and home care)
– Guidance for health professionals
– Infection prevention and control (incl. PPE)
– Sampling and diagnostics


Heatwave Plan for England




Mental health support and advice from:

General public, staff and carers



Chronic disease self- care during COVID-19:

General public



European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) COVID-19 homepage




Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker


The tracker compares worldwide government responses to the coronavirus rigorously and consistently. The Oxford team collects information on common policy responses, scores the stringency of such measures, and aggregates these into a Stringency Index.



Local Resources:

Below are any local resources that would be relevant to Suffolk County Council and our partners.  




Who For



Mobile Testing Units in Suffolk


It is important that anyone with coronavirus symptoms gets tested. Mobile testing units are mobilised by the Ministry of Defence and regularly appear across Suffolk. Please share details of the testing sites with your local community – see under Where can I get tested in Suffolk?


Support from the Suffolk Growth Programme Board (SGPB)


SGPB is a partnership of all Suffolk local authorities, Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, University of Suffolk and New Anglia LEP. In Suffolk our Economy & business recovery work for COVID-19 is being led by SGPB and the website includes links to funding / surveys / economic impact work. Please do pass this information on to your contacts.


Suffolk Domestic Abuse 24/7 Helpline – Freephone 0800 977 5690


The freephone number is live from 9am on Friday 22nd May 2020 for anyone with concerns including professionals who may be supporting clients as well as friends and family members who are concerned for loved ones.


New Anglia: Employment Opportunities in Key Sectors in Norfolk and Suffolk  

Individuals and Businesses wanting to know what employment opportunities are available in some of our key sectors

The New Anglia LEP – alongside other partners including local authorities – have pulled together lists and links to key employment roles needed now as part of the response to the current crisis.


Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership


The website aims to help everyone understand the signs of neglect or abuse and what to do if they are worried about a child or an adult.



Businesses needing support


A one stop shop source of information for government support and guidance available to  businesses including 121 business advice sources of business grants and loans.


Healthy Suffolk: COVID-19 Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Information Hub


This page contains links to a wealth of resources and support for your health and wellbeing.


Suffolk County Council: Coronavirus information


Suffolk County Council coronavirus (COVID-19) information, including health advice, service changes, business support and schools guidance.


Keep Moving Suffolk


The website contains free resources, ideas, tips, useful links and positive stories to encourage people to stay active during these unprecedented times.  The website and our social channels will be constantly updated.



Global: WHO Situation Report – reports available here


Situation in Numbers WHO SitRep 167, 5 July