Operation Sceptre, the national week of action against knife crime, takes place between Monday 11 March and Monday 18 March and is proactively supported by Suffolk Constabulary.The operation highlights the risks that carrying a bladed weapon can bring, as well as targeting offenders who use and carry knives.
Knife amnesty bins across the county give people the opportunity to dispose of knives and blades safely. Since the Bin a Blade campaign was launched in 2011, well over 22,000 bladed items have been deposited. A new knife amnesty bin is being installed near the junction of Stricklands Road and Ipswich Street in Stowmarket on Monday 11 March.
“There is a revitalised programme of educational inputs delivering knife crime awareness messages alongside advice and guidance to children and young people across the county.â
Suffolkâs Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore said: “Operation Sceptre gives the constabulary an opportunity to raise awareness of knife crime and also give people an opportunity to deposit blades safely â I fully support this work.
“Knife crime is a growing problem here in Suffolk and itâs got to stop. Carrying a knife just doesnât make you safe and sadly, as we all know, it can lead to dreadful consequences.â
For more information and advice regarding #HavingTheConversation see http://www.suffolk.police.uk/advice/personal-safety/knife-crime/having-conversation
Anyone with information on knife crime in their local community is asked to contact Suffolk Police on 101, or pass information to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. In an emergency, always dial 999.
For more information and advice about knife crime do look at our website –www.suffolk.police.uk/advice/personal-safety/knife-crime