Woman sentenced after pleading guilty to drug dealing

A woman has been given a suspended sentence and ordered to carry out unpaid work after pleading guilty to possession with intent to supply Class A drugs.

Thalia Cheamil, 23, of Millfield Avenue, London, appeared at Ipswich Crown Court on Wednesday 24 January, after pleading guilty at a hearing in October last year.

Cheamil had been stopped by officers from the Sentinel West ANPR team while driving a vehicle in Beyton on 13 September.

Officers searched the vehicle and the driver and located 40 bags of cocaine, an amount of cash and a mobile phone.

Cheamil was arrested and taken to Bury Police Investigation Centre and was subsequently charged and remanded.

At court she was handed a two-year prison sentence which was suspended for two years, given a 35-day rehabilitation requirement and ordered to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work.

Suffolk Constabulary has three Operation Sentinel teams. Set up in 2019, they provide enhanced coverage of Suffolk’s road network. Based across the county, they work to disrupt serious and organised criminal activity.